


為配合上述法律制度,本研究所現已調整「一般測試項目價目表」序號1.升降設備初檢服務、序號2.升降設備年檢服務及序號3.設備特別檢測服務之工作內容及價目並停止接受該服務申請,如客戶欲了解前述服務或其他升降設備的顧問服務,可致電8291 4723與本研究所機電工程部聯絡。


1. 填寫服務申請文件前,應詳細閱讀本研究所之「一般測試項目價目表」(下稱本價目表)的所有條款,以保障閣下的利益。

2. 服務申請文件一經確認及提交,即視為申請人已知悉、同意遵守本價目表服務條件及對應測試項目之備註條款並受其約束。

3. 本研究所保留按需審閱及修改本價目表條款之權利,且條款可隨時被更新而不另作通知,閣下請定期細閱本價目表的最新版本。

4. 本價目表有中文及英文版本,如果兩者內容出現不一致時,以中文版本為準。

Notes on Application:

1. Before completing the SRF, you should read all the terms of the IDQ Service Price List (the “List”) in order to protect your interests.

2. By signing the SRF, you are aware of and agree to comply with the conditions of service and corresponding remarks in the List and are bound by them.

3. IDQ reserves the right to review and amend the terms of the List as necessary and the List may be updated at any time without notice, and it is your responsibility for regularly reviewing the latest version.

4. The List is written in Chinese and English version. In case of any discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.